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What is Portfolio Management?

What is an Asset?| What is a Portfolio?| Who is a Portfolio Manager?


In the world of finance, one of the most important branch that often comes up into discussion is “Portfolio Management”. Because after earning a handsome, what we finally look out for is investing the funds in a manner where existing sum can create a wealth generating machine efficient enough to run on its own with timely interventions for rebalancing and dynamically managing asset allocation.

Here we are going to start a series of lectures in the form of articles wherein we are going to discuss from the base about what is portfolio management all about, laying strong foundation of the same and reaching its pinnacle discussing the arena of the optimum portfolio selection.

Don’t worry. Even if you are new to the world of finance, these sessions will be easily comprehensible so that you can build up your knowledge on the same.

What is portfolio management?

We will discuss the meaning of portfolio management twice in this series of lectures. For now, we will discuss the meaning in its very raw form which will be even comprehensible for a layman in the world of finance.

As we will move forward we will keep leveling up our discussion in a gradual manner and once you will grasp the topics on the way ahead, then we dwell into its complex definitions which will be a cup of tea for you by then.

So here we go…

So we all earn money and out if the total earning we spend a part and rest are out savings and investment. The sole purpose of the investment is to deploy that part of money in an avenue which can generate return on that fund that is to say create more money out of existing sum of money.

Now the first thing which comes up in our mind when we decide to invest money is Where to invest? In which asset to invest? Which asset will give maximum return? For what time to invest? How much risk I should take? Should I invest all my money in one asset or should I diversify by investing in multiple asset? How often I should rebalance or restructure my portfolio?

By the way, an Asset in a layman term means any avenue where we can invest today and which has a potential to deliver returns in the future. Here the asset can be stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.

And a portfolio means the group of assets in which we have invested our sum of money.

In short, all the above questions can be summarized in a single question as

What should be my optimum portfolio?

Here when we say optimum portfolio, we are referring to a portfolio which gives maximum satisfaction to an investor considering the investor’s risk appetite and return expectations.

And then after constructing the optimum portfolio, timely rebalancing and restructuring the portfolio is also of utmost important. For now, you simply understand, rebalancing and restructuring refers to the changes made in the portfolio that is either you increase or decrease the amount of money invested in an asset or you switch the money from one asset to another asset.

Here in its very raw form, to construct optimum portfolio and timely rebalancing and restructuring the portfolio is known as Portfolio Management.

Although it is too basic form not sufficient enough to justify the vastness of this arena but don’t worry we will catch up with the same.

Now generally any layman would not be an expert enough to undertake the portfolio management process which involves detailed analysis of available investment avenues, risk-return profiling, looking after rebalancing and restructuring of the portfolio of assets in a timely manner considering the macro economic factors and finally constructing a portfolio which would provide oneself maximum satisfaction.

Hence comes into picture a Portfolio Manager. A portfolio manager is a professional which has expertise into Portfolio Management. The Portfolio Manager can be an institution having granted license to accept and manage funds, by respective regulatory body or an individual expert providing portfolio management services duly certified by appropriate regulator.