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Beware, if you also follow recommendations on stocks from TV Experts - SEBI investigations found serious fraudulent indulgence


·       Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) conducted investigations from Feb 2022 to December 2022.


·       The investigation was launched when SEBI found a high correlation between the trading activities conducted by some entities and the stock recommendations given by guest experts appearing on TV channels.


·       SEBI found that the so-called market experts who advise on stocks on TV channels, already share those recommendations with certain entities who would have initiated positions in the recommended stocks in advance.


·       As soon as they broadcast the same recommendations on channel, these entities who have taken position squares off, thus making profit by fooling innocent retail investors.


·       The profit made by these entities is then shared with the guest experts, as per their agreement.


·       Some experts have confirmed these fraudulent acts in their statements submitted to SEBI.


·       As of now, SEBI has barred 15 guest experts from indulging in any trading activities.