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What are Hedge Funds? - Structure of a Hedge Fund - Part 01

Who are Limited Partners? | General Partners | Accredited Investors | Management Fees and Incentive Fees in a Hedge Fund

Hedge Fund is an alternative investment fund which invests across asset classes including traditional as well as non-traditional with an aim to make supernormal returns.


Traditional Assets includes Stocks and Bonds whereas non-traditional assets include Real Estate, Commodities, Art objects, etc.


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Hedge Funds may use complex trading strategies including use of derivatives and take leveraged positions.


Let's dwell into it in detail.


Structure of Hedge Fund


The Hedge funds are set up as Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs). 


The Partners in Hedge Fund can be categorized under two heads:


1) Limited Partners

2) General Partner


Limited Partners


Limited Partners (LPs) are the investors who invest in the Hedge Fund. 


They belong to the category of Accredited Investors who over and above possessing required knowledge of investments, fulfill certain criteria including annual income and net worth. 


General Partner


The General Partner is the one who manages and deploy the funds. All decisions regarding investment of funds are taken by the General Partner.


Who gets what?


The General Partner charges Management fees for managing the fund.


Over and above the Management fees, the General Partner also charges an incentive fee as percentage of gain.


The most common structure of fees charged by a General Partner in a Hedge Fund is the 2/20 structure.


2/20 means 2% Management Fees + 20% Incentive fee as a percentage of Gains.


After deducting all the charges and fees, the net return goes to the Limited Partners.


There is so much more to discuss. Will come up with Hedge Fund Series - Part 02.

Graphics: Global Market Insights

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