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What is Minimum Support Price? | What is Green Revolution? | Why Food Corporation of India was set up?



Ø After Independence, India was struggling to produce enough agricultural output for the growing population.


Ø To increase agricultural output, in the 1960s India saw the green revolution.


What is Green Revolution?


Ø Green Revolution refers to exponential increase in agricultural output especially in production of food grains including wheat and rice facilitated by use of high yielding variety (HYV) seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.


Food Corporation of India


Ø During that period in the 1960s, the government set up the Food Corporation of India (FCI).


Ø The primary objective of Food Corporation of India (FCI) is to procure the food grains from farmers, to maintain buffer stock keeping in view the food security for the country's population and distribute the same via public distribution system to the end consumers.


What is Minimum Support Price?


Ø The function of procurement of food grains by FCI is where Minimum Support Price came into picture.


Ø For smooth functioning of the above framework of procurement and distribution, it was important to remove the element of uncertainty for farmers in order for them to have visibility about the prices they will get for their output.


Ø Due to bumper production of food grains during a year, often the prices would fall so sharply in the market, that farmers would not even be able to recover their cost of producing the output.


Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP)


Ø Thus in 1965, the Government of India set up the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) as the Agricultural Prices Commission.


Ø The primary objective of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) frame pricing policies and recommend the Minimum Support Price.


Ø Minimum Support Price is the guaranteed minimum price recommended by CACP at which the FCI will acquire the output produced by the farmer.


Ø While calculating MSP, the CACP takes into consideration all the costs incurred by farmers to produce the harvest thus ensuring stable income for them from their harvest.


Ø So if prices of the produce falls sharply in the market, the FCI will buy the same from farmers at the MSP.


Thus through MSP, Government of India achieves two objectives 


1) To ensure minimum profit for the farmers for their harvest by avoiding distress sale of produce by them


2) To procure and maintain buffer stock for food security and further distribute the same through a public distribution system.


There is much more to discuss, but let's keep it for later.

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